3L4AR logo Life-Long Learning of environmental dynamics for socially-aware navigation of Autonomous Robots


[2 Dec 2024]: The CTU team started to visit the UTBM team!

[22 Nov 2024]: The CTU team started to visit the UTBM team!

[10 Nov 2024]: The UTBM team started to visit the CTU team!

[13 Apr 2024]: The UTBM team started to visit the CTU team!

[13 Dec 2023]: Dr. Tomas Krajnik participated in Mr. Rui Yang’s Ph.D. defense as his opponent!

[10 Dec 2023]: The CTU team started to visit the UTBM team!

[13 Nov 2023]: The UTBM team visited the TESLA factory in Prague!

[9 Nov 2023]: The UTBM team started to visit the CTU team!

[20 Apr 2023]: Dr. Zhi Yan gave a talk at CTU!

[19 Apr 2023]: The UTBM team started to visit the CTU team!

[14 Apr 2023]: The project homepage is online!

[28 Mar 2023]: The CTU team started to visit the UTBM team!

[21 Feb 2023]: The project is kicked off!


3L4AR is a researcher mobility project between the Chronorobotics Lab at the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) in Czechia and the CIAD Lab at the University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM) in France. The project aims to improve acceptance of mobile robots through the integration of lifelong learning methods into the modules that constitute the core of their navigation systems. We argue that the robustness of the navigation systems in dynamic environments and changing conditions can be improved during the robot routine operation through machine learning methods. The incorporation of lifelong learning would allow the robots to gradually improve their ability to perceive, understand and exploit the environmental dynamics caused by natural processes and human activities. Understanding of the environment dynamics will allow the robots to anticipate and to react more intelligently to the everyday situations, which will improve their acceptance by humans.


Chronorobotics Lab, CTU

Tomas Krajnik (PI)
Associate Professor
Tomas Vintr
Ph.D. Student
George Broughton
Ph.D. Student
Tomas Roucek
Ph.D. Student
Zdenek Rozsypalek
Ph.D. Student
Jiri Ulrich
Ph.D. Student
Jan Blaha
Ph.D. Student


Zhi Yan (PI)
Assistant Professor
Rui Yang
Ph.D. Student
Iaroslav Okunevich
Ph.D. Student
Johnata Brayan
Master’s student


  1. Rui Yang, Tao Yang, Zhi Yan, Tomas Krajnik, and Yassine Ruichek. Preventing catastrophic forgetting in continuous online learning for autonomous driving. In Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Abu Dhabi ,UAE, October 2024.

  2. Tao Yang, Jinwen Hu, You Li, Cheng Zhao, Li Sun, Tomas Krajnik, and Zhi Yan. 3D ToF LiDAR for mobile robotics in harsh environments: A review. Unmanned Systems, April 2024.

  3. Tomas Vintr, George Broughton, Tomas Roucek, Zhi Yan, and Tomas Krajnik. Dataset collection for long-term forecasting of human presence, motion and activity. ICRA Workshop on Long-term Human Motion Prediction, May 2023.


CZ MSMT project (No. 8J23FR023), PHC Barrande project (No. 49275QM), 2023-2024 (2 years).

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